IGNOU admission status

How to check IGNOU admission status in 2025(Old &New)

January 2025 session has been started, and now It will closed on 15th March 2025. So you must be wondering how to check your IGNOU admission status?

With over 4 million students in Indira Gandhi National Open University, the university manages a lot of applications, so it’s important to stay updated on your application status.

So in this step by step guide I will guide you how to track registration details and solved any discrepancy.

How to check IGNOU admission status for new students

Checking your online application form details is very easy. You’ll need your username and password.

Now, let’s walk through the steps to know your admission status in IGNOU.

  • Visit the http://www.ignou.ac.in
  • Select the “Fresh Admission” Option.
  • Log in to the Samarth Portal:
  • Click on the “Login” Button:
  • Go to My Applications.

Here, you can know your admission registration status. If your application hasn’t been confirmed, you may contact the regional center.

Notes: If you find any Comment in your application form, use the “Admission Discrepancy” menu to resolve them.

How to check the IGNOU registration status in 2025?

Once your admission get confirm you can track your details by the following steps:

Visit the registration details page.

  1. Enter your enrollment number and select the program code.
  2. Enter the verification code and click “Submit.”
  3. Your registration confirmation will appear on the next screen.

Common Error: “Enrollment Not Found,”

If your admission is confirmed recently. It takes a minimum of 30 days to update the admission data.

Features of the IGNOU Registration Status Page

  • Grade Card
  • Term end Result
  • Study Material
  • Hall ticket
  • Assignment submission status
  • Exam form submission status
  • Grievances
  • Previous year’s question paper
  • Assignment Question
  • Re-Registration

5 Factors That Could Delay Your IGNOU Admission Confirmation

With a huge enrollment database, some students may face issues with admission confirmation. Here are some common reasons:

You receive discrepancies because of university guidelines; if you ignore them, you may face a problem. 

By checking the reasons below, let’s find out why your IGNOU admission status 2025 January session is not confirmed?

1Online result copy

Uploading a net copy of your result is not accepted. Use the digital marksheet from DigiLocker if needed.

2-Unrecognized Board Marksheet

Avoid uploading fake or non-recognized board documents. Doing so will lead to rejection.

3-Experience certificate

Some courses are required additional documents which is an experience certificate, without uploading this you cannot apply.

Note: Experience certificate is not required in all courses.

4-Insufficient Passing Subjects

Ensure you meet the minimum subject requirements. For example, some programs require passing at least five subjects. Don’t upload the mark sheet if you passed only four subjects.

If you have completed only four subjects and the previous board has issued your Marksheet, you can apply for the remaining subjects from the NIOS board.

5-Provisional certificate.

For master’s degree courses, a provisional or original degree certificate is required. If you don’t have that one, you can submit a college leaving certificate, else you may get a discrepancy on portal and your IGNOU admission status will not confirm.

Check this video:

IGNOU master degree admission not confirms?

Students who apply for a master’s course face difficulties while checking IGNOU online admission status 2025. They receive discrepancies in the online portal.

Do you know why it happens?

Recently I received a message from RAHUL.

My IGNOU application status is not confirmed. I have applied on July 15, and I removed the discrepancy, but every time showing a new error. Can you please help me?

I asked for his details and saw that he uploaded incomplete documents. The master’s degree course requires some essential documents.

  • Graduation mark sheet
  • Original certificate / Degree certificate/ College leaving certificate

However, he had uploaded only his graduation mark sheet.

I advised him to upload a college leaving certificate from the institution where you studied. 

If your institution takes a long time to provide the original degree certificate, you can ask for a college leaving certificate.

After uploading all the documents, his application status was confirmed.


Forgot your IGNOU Samarth portal credentials?

No problem. Follow these steps:

Reset Username:

  • Open the admission login page.
  • Click on “Forgot Username.”
  • Enter your control number and submit.
  • Provide the OTP and set a new username.

Reset Password:

Follow the same steps, but enter your username and OTP to reset your password.

How to check IGNOU admission status by control number

Checking the IGNOU admission status by the control number option is no longer available in Samarth portal 2024. You need a username and password to see the details. It will be helpful if you forget the credential.

I know you must be thinking about, Can we check the admission registration status by name and DOB? No, currently, this option is not available on the Samarth portal.

How to Cancel Your IGNOU Admission and Request a Refund

Why student select cancel their admission?

Each student’s decision to cancel a course may be different, but we have mentioned some of the most common issues.

  • Change of interest
  • Personal issues
  • Better alternatives

If you need to cancel your registration form for any reason, follow these steps:

Visit the official Samarth portal.

  • Log in with your username and password.
  • Go to “My Application,” and click “Cancel.”
  • Refunds, if applicable, will be processed according to the university’s policy.

You can check the latest guidelines from the https://ignouadmission.samarth.edu.in

What is an IGNOU Enrollment Number?

The enrollment number is a unique identification number assigned to each student who enrolls in a university. It is 9 to 10 digits code. It helps as a reference and ID proof throughout a learner’s academic journey.

You can also use enrolment number to check registration status.

After getting it, you can perform the various activities:

What is an IGNOU Control Number?

It is an 11-digit unique number generated by the Indira Gandhi National Open University to every student after paying online admission fees and examination fees.

It is used to identify the student data. Previously, we used to find IGNOU admission status by control number, but now this option is not available in the new Samarth portal.

What should I do after receiving an admission confirmation?

After getting the admission confirmation email, you can perform the following activity:

  • Print your ID card
  • Download study material from EGYANKOSH
  • Visit study centre for classes
  • Prepare your TMA and submit it at your study centre
  • Pay your exam fees 6- Download your hall ticket and sit for an exam.

FAQ about IGNOU admission status.


By following the steps above, you can easily check and resolve any discrepancies in your IGNOU admission status. If you’re still facing issues, don’t hesitate to contact helpline number. Stay updated, and good luck with your admission.


  • ANSARI SIR, the esteemed mentor behind Ansari Institute, is a seasoned Career Counsellor with over 20 years of experience in guiding students through NIOS and IGNOU programs. Holding PGDGC and PGDDE, he has empowered over 5,000 students, leveraging his expertise to provide personalized guidance and foster academic success. Empanelled with the National Career Services, Ansari Sir is a trusted name in distance education counselling." Connect him on social network:Connect me on:

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